I asked a question and with the response, now I am a little confused. On my credit report from transunion it has Date Updated 10/2002 what does that mean exactly, It still states that the estimated date to come off is 2009....I was just wondering because I have one that is from 2001 and has 06/2006 as the date updated..
What is Date Updated on credit report??
It means that the creditor last reported to Trans Union on that date. The estimated date for it to come off is 7 years later for that account.
Here is a list of how long things stay on your report:
Delinquencies: (30 - 180 days late) Remain 7 years from the date of the initial missed payment.
Collection accounts: Remain 7 years from the date of the initial missed payment that led to the collection (the original delinquency date). When a collection account is paid in full, it will be marked %26quot;paid collection%26quot; on the credit report.
Charged-off accounts: Remain 7 years from the date of the initial missed payment that led to the charge off (the original delinquency date), even if payments are later made on the charged-off account.
Closed accounts: Closed accounts are accounts that are no longer available for further use. Closed accounts may or may not have a zero balance. Closed accounts with delinquencies remain 7 years from the date they are reported closed, whether closed by the creditor or by the consumer. Positive closed accounts remain at least 10 years.
Lost credit card: If there are no delinquencies, credit cards that are reported lost will continue to be listed for 2 years from the date the card is reported lost. Delinquent payments that occurred before the card was lost are reported for seven years.
Bankruptcy: Chapters 7, 11, and 12 remain for 10 years from the filing date. Chapter 13 remains 7 years from the filing date. Accounts included in bankruptcy remain 7 years from the date they were reported as included in the bankruptcy.
Judgements: (child support, civil %26amp; small claims) Remain 7 years from the date the judgment is filed.
Tax Liens: (cty, county, state, and federal) Unpaid tax liens remain 15 years from the filing date. Paid tax liens remain 7 years from the paid date of the lien.
Inquiries: Remain for 2 years, with those in the last 6 months usually given the most consideration.
Positive open credit information remains indefinitely and paid positive accounts remain 10 years.
The working was established in 2009 to gather the facts surrounding credit‐based insurance scores and how they are used in today’s regulatory environment. Public consultation was undertaken in 2011. That process turned out to be a disappointment as only 15 submissions were received and all from either the insurance sector or credit bureaus. free credit report