Several years ago, my grandmother added my name as an authorized user to her credit cards so that I could make purchases for her. After she passed away, several of her credit cards were charged off. I recently learned, however, that these charged off accounts have shown up on my credit report.
Is there anything I can do about this?
How do I remove Grandma%26#039;s bad credit off my report.?
yes. contact te credit bureau (transunion, experian or equifax) and dispute. they will investigate and once shown this is not your debt, it will be removed.
How do I remove Grandma%26#039;s bad credit off my report.?
Call the big credit reporting agencys that show you as owing money .... and if you explain the situation they will remove the debt.. ive done this before.. get your credit report from the 3 major agencys and check them! Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union
How do I remove Grandma%26#039;s bad credit off my report.?
the credit is entitled to you so... you must pay for the things. You can do nothing from it ^_^
How do I remove Grandma%26#039;s bad credit off my report.?
Dispute it. If you were only an authorized user.
They will take it off.
If you were a co-signer or co-borrower then you owe the debt.
Kourtnie Donihoo
Prosperity Financial
How do I remove Grandma%26#039;s bad credit off my report.?
Did you actually check your credit score and see??
My wife had a credit card in her name and I was an authorized user. She defaulted on it but It didnt affect my credit one bit.
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